Diferencia entre Aceite de Oliva Virgen y Aceite de Oliva Virgen Extra

What is the difference between Virgin Olive Oil and Extra Virgin Olive Oil?

Today, many consumers are still not clear about the difference between Virgin Olive Oil and Extra Virgin Olive Oil . Although we are talking about an essential ingredient in all Spanish cuisines and many other countries in the world, the difference between these two categories continues to raise many doubts.

With this post we will answer all the questions on this topic, and this will help you know what you are buying when you purchase one of these oils, both when you buy the classic 1L and 5L formats and large formats . You will also be able to understand why premium Extra Virgin oils or those from early harvest are so valued.

First let's define them separately:

Virgin Olive Oil: It is an olive juice obtained exclusively through mechanical procedures. No type of refining process is involved in its production. To determine that an olive oil is Virgin, it must meet two requirements:

-In a chemical analysis its acidity levels must be less than or equal to 2 o .

-In an organoleptic analysis, which is carried out in a tasting carried out by experts who analyze the aroma and flavor, the median defect must have a score less than or equal to 3.5, and its median fruitiness greater than 0 .

Extra Virgin Olive Oil: This is a type of Virgin Olive Oil, but whose quality is superior. No refining process is involved in obtaining it. In order for it to be classified as Extra Virgin, the requirements are stricter than for Virgin.

-In a chemical analysis its acidity levels must be less than or equal to 0.8 o .

-In an organoleptic analysis carried out in a tasting, the median defect must be 0, that is, it must not present any defect, and its median fruitiness must be greater than 0.

Conclusion: The difference between Virgin Olive Oil and Extra Virgin Olive Oil lies in the quality. The highest quality olive oil is Extra Virgin, since in the analyzes it has passed more demanding levels than Virgin. Both are olive juice obtained directly by mechanical processes, but one is of higher quality than the other.

Being of higher quality, Extra Virgin offers nuances of aroma and flavor that allow the consumer to enjoy these oils much more. In addition, its nutritional properties and for the benefit of our health are also superior.

Why is Extra Virgin Olive Oil of higher quality than Virgin Olive Oil?

The answer to this question would be enough for many more articles, but we can summarize it very simply: Extra Virgin Olive Oil is of higher quality because in all the phases that comprise its production, from the cultivation of the olive, its harvesting, to When obtaining the oil, the appropriate steps have been taken, taking great care of the raw material, with great attention to each point of the process, to obtain a high quality final product.

At the moment when something fails in the delicate process that includes the production of the oil, the quality can decrease and not meet the levels required in the analyses, so that oil would not become Extra Virgin, remaining simply Virgin.

Let's look at it a little closer:

In cultivation : Aspects such as the care of the olive trees over time, their correct pruning, the protection of the soil with plant covers, or the defense against possible pests and diseases, will give rise to a raw material, in this case the olive, of higher quality. At this point, aspects such as weather, the amount of rain and the sun received also come into play, which will be fundamental in the final result.

In the collection : This is another of the most important points. The olive must be harvested at the correct time, the one in which it is at its optimal ripeness, neither before nor after. To carry out this, the appropriate techniques must be used so that the fruit receives the least possible damage, collecting it directly from the tree. An example of this is the category “flight olives”, which arrive at the oil mill without having touched the ground.

In the oil mill : After harvesting, the olives will be crushed until they become a paste from which the oil will then be obtained. This process must be carried out in the shortest possible time from collection. In the subsequent step, the oil extraction must be carried out at less than 27 o C (cold extraction), a fundamental aspect so that it preserves its characteristic aroma and flavor. Subsequent steps, such as centrifuging, storage or filtering, also have their importance in the final quality of the product.

Other categories of olive oil that you can find

Once we have understood that Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the highest quality that we can find on the market, we must not overlook that there are other types of olive oils, which are sold in stores and large stores, but which They do not reach the Virgin category.

Olive oil : When we find jugs and bottles with this simple name, they are refined oils that are mixed with virgin oils. The refining process is carried out because they are oils that do not come close to the quality levels that we have previously described, so chemical and thermal processes are used to make them suitable for consumption. It is mixed with a percentage of Virgin Olive Oil so that it has some flavor and aroma.

Olive pomace oil : It is extracted from the remains of the olives (pulp, bones, etc.) after having obtained the oil. In order to extract it, chemical solvents are usually used, and as in the previous category, they also have to be refined for consumption. Finally, they are also mixed with some virgin oil that adds flavor.

Types of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Due to its excellent flavor and high nutritional value, Extra Virgin Oil has greatly increased its consumption in the last decade. It is, therefore, a product that is increasingly in demand and of which the public has greater knowledge.

This fact has led to oils in this category of different types and qualities being seen, and new names and denominations have emerged, which, although some are not officially recognized, differentiate the different Extra Virgin that we can find. Here we show you some of them:

-Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil : These are gourmet oils of superior quality. They are those Extra Virgins that obtain the best ratings and awards. They are usually small, selected productions and are not sold in large formats, only in 500ml or 750ml bottles. Due to their quality, they give rise to nuances of aroma and flavor superior to others.

Monovarietal Extra Virgin Olive Oil : These are those oils that are made with a single variety of olive. The most used varieties are usually Picual, Hojiblanca and Arbequina, although there are many others. The variety of olive does not affect the quality of the oil, but because they have different characteristics they produce different nuances of aroma and flavor.

Multivarietal Extra Virgin Olive Oil : It is one in which different varieties of olive have been mixed in different proportions in its production, to give rise to a “coupage” that provides the aromas and flavors of each of the varieties used.

Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil : These are high quality oils, in the production of which the environment from which their production comes has been fully respected. To be accepted as organic, they must meet certain demands and requirements that lead them to receive this certification.

-Early Harvest Extra Virgin Olive Oil : Early harvest oils are those that have been made with the first olives harvested during the period known as “veraison” (final moment of fruit ripening). These are oils with an exquisite flavor, with aromas full of nuances and a very attractive intense green color.

We hope to have resolved all your doubts on this topic. If you would like to ask any other questions, do not hesitate to write to us at info@virgenextraencasa.com

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